Country Italy
    Stations 2
    Organisation Centro funzionale per la previsione meteorologica e il Monitoraggio meteo-Pluvio-Idrometrico e delle frane, Settore Programmazione Interventi di Protezione Civile sul Territorio, Regione Campania
    Contacts Ing. Matteo Gentilella
    Official References

    Brocca, L., Hasenauer, S., Lacava, T., Melone, F., Moramarco, T., Wagner, W., A, D., Matgen, P., Mart´ınez-Fern´andez, J., Llorens, P., Latron, J., Martin, C. & Bittelli, M. (2011), ‘Soil moisture estimation through ascat and amsr-e sensors: An intercomparison and validation study across europe’, Remote Sensing of Environment 115, 3390–3408.;

    Variables measured air temperature
    soil moisture
    Depths of soil moisture measurements 0.30 - 0.30 m
    Soil Moisture sensors used ThetaProbe ML2X
    Data availability from 2000-07-27 to 2012-12-31

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